Wednesday 16 October 2013

Cure back pain with antibiotics for ... acne

Tens of thousands of people living with debilitating back pain may find healing in a single treatment with antibiotics, say scientists from Denmark.

As they discovered, almost 40% of cases of chronic back pain caused by propionovaktiridio acne - a bacterium that can be treated with threeantibiotics.

The researchers tested the therapy in 162 patients, finding that people who ached so much that they had abandoned their work, regained mobility and independence they had lost.

"These men and women at 40 and in their 50s, who had a very active social and professional life, but lost a lot because of persistent pain," said the lead researcher Dr. Hannah Albert, from the University of Southern Denmark.

"Our findings show that nearly half of patients with chronic back pain may benefit from antibiotic treatment - and this is extremely important," he added.

The back pain is one of the most common complaints. It is estimated that four out of five adults will experience at some point in their lives, with 8.2% to suffer for years.

Many difficult cases due to back pain or another hernia of intervertebral disc problem, but often the existing treatments not help - or even surgical correction is not always effective when acting Albert.

Dr Albert believes that such stubborn facts often not due to the problem of the disc itself, but the fact that they have invaded the interior ofbacteria.

To confirm the theory, worked with colleagues from Birmingham to examine samples of intervertebral discs from patients who had surgery in the middle. Almost half of the samples tested positive in propionovaktiridio.

The researchers then divided 162 patients with chronic back pain into two groups. Half took for 100 days a combination of amoxycillin antibiotic and clavulanic acid, while the other half for 100 days taking an inactive substance (placebo
As the researchers write in the journal «European Spine Journal», antibiotics significantly improved the condition of patients, and a year later, those who had received antibiotics had 64 hours of pain in the last month, while those who took the placebo had 200 hours of pain.

iPhone at ... Acne

A new application of iPhone, the AcneApp, reportedly helps to treat acne. The principle of operation is based on non-visible radiation, which is used by dermatologists specialized machines.

The application was created by the American dermatologist Greg Pearson and uses red light of 550 nanometers, which help to kill bacteria and also to enhance the production of collagen in the skin.

"There is a machine that acts bacteriostatic using infrared radiation, i.e. higher frequency of visible light (i.e. red). So if the application emits the red could help. But because acne is multifactorial disease you can not say that only treats the use of light, "explains dermatologist Dr Katerina Lambrinopoulou, Ph.D. University of Athens.

The application costs 1.59 euros, "works" on the facial skin while the user speaks.

As said dermatologist Greg Pearson, according to the "New York Times", the application will be put into clinical trials to demonstrate the degree of effectiveness, but said "fascinated by the prospect that users can potentially cure acne while talking on the phone.

However, even the Applekata selling product from appstore states that "the application is only for entertainment and not recommended for treatment of any disease."

- Treating Acne

Mike Walden review author of acne no more program-Today , contrary to what happened in the past, modern medicine enables us to successfully treat virtually all the problems associated with acne. Before we proceed to analyze the phenomenon of acne that employs a very large percentage of people , especially teenagers, everyone should know that:

1. Therapy is a process that takes a long time to pay off.
Two . Each treatment is not indicated for all cases of acne .
Three . The dermatologist is best placed to reach the kind of treatment that best fits each incident .

Treatment takes time : Various treatments that promise "immediately " and " miraculous " results seek to attract any patient facing acne problem . Despite promises the truth is that acne can not disappear overnight . On average it takes 6-8 weeks before beginning to treatment . Since the edge begins in this period to improve or to disappear gradually necessary continuation of treatment to prevent the signs of reoccur . If after 2 months of no improvement maybe treatment does not fit in this incident and may be changed.

What is effective for one patient may not do anything to another : A treatment that achieves spectacular results in a case of acne can not guarantee the same result for all cases. The causes of acne are many and vary from person to person. Also, every one of us has different skin types and presents different symptoms.

It is necessary to help the dermatologist : The existence of many causes occurrence of acne and many methods for its treatment, often make catalytic help from the dermatologist. Before proposing a remedy is one that will take into account many factors such as the severity of acne , the kind of signs , medical history , age and skin type of the patient as well as lifestyle and diet .

Acne treatment, how to cure acne

Mike Walden review author of acne no more program-Acne is a common skin condition that is not restricted to any age group or sex. Acne may appear for any length of time. But one should not forget that acne is not a disease and can surely be cured Conventional acne medications may be topical-applied directly to the skin, or may be systemic-taken internally. Unlike drug treatments, the results of surgery acne are usually directly. One acne condition can be improved and controlled ultimately epitirimenos or improved by a professional skin care or medical care associated with the home care program. 
Drugs and antibiotics acne should be taken for several months for any improvement to occur in an acne condition if the case is heavy. Many non-prescription acne products can control milder cases of acne without medical care. Only recently, a laser treatment that causes temporary loss of heat to the oil glands, which can reduce the oil supply, was developed to treat acne.
 Not only that, various herbal remedies are also recommended for the treatment of acne. Herbs such as chamomile, lavender, juniper, bergamot, dandelion root, and burdock root can be used to reduce the toxicity and improve the overall skin condition. Trying to cure acne, one must not forget that skin treated with alcohol, peroxide Benzoyl, ether, acetone and other harsh ingredients may prematurely aged skin and leave the previous acne sufferer with wrinkles and a grayish, sickly and tired skin tone. 
If the sufferer acne chooses to use drugs or not, skin care should be used. Some of the popular products on the market that can prevent and cure peroxide inthlude:-psenzoul acne, salicylic acid, retinoid, antibiotics, oral contraceptives, anti-androgens and Isotretinoin (Accutane). A good basic skin regimen is just to cleanse twice daily with a benzoyl 5% peroxide wash. An alternative for those who are allergic to benzoyl peroxide is 2% salicylic acid. Use a light skin moisturizer and an oil-free makeup is need of the hour! Someone needs to give dry skin extra care, being sure to wash and rinse your face thoroughly and using products especially made ​​for dry skin . One must follow some of the important things stereotypes like regular exercise, they drink plenty of water, use of safe cosmetics, having a healthy diet and following a healthy skin regimen

Treatment of acne

Mike Walden review author of acne no more program-Topical treatment
Benzoyl peroxide is an effective antibacterial agent that however often irritate the skin and it is recommended to start treatment with the commercial formulation containing 5% decreased and slowly increased to 10%.
Local antibiotics either alone or in combination with benzoyl peroxide as clindamycin.
Retinoic acid used as a keratolytic and causes an inflammatory reaction that bothers some patients.
Sulfur, resorcinol, salicylic acid, and are often used alone or in combination act keratolytic.
The ultraviolet radiation

B. Systemic treatment

Used therapeutically in doses sufficient to induce mild erythema and desquamation of the skin and usually helps acne anyway improved during the summer months.

In cases of severe acne routinely used antibiotics such as tetracycline, erythromycin, trimethoprim, etc. However, the drugs do not act immediately and the patient should not expect spectacular results before 2-4 weeks of treatment.

Adverse effects are uncommon and these drugs should be given for a period of months rather than weeks. In some cases it is possible to help the treatment with high doses of estrogen (in women) as well as a combination of therapeutic antiandrogens and estrogen administration. Examples of such drugs is the formulation Gynofen which is a combination of cyproterone acetate and ethinyl oestradiol and reduces sebum production.

Finally, in severe cases of acne recommended systemic administration of retinoids such as 13 - cis - retinoic acid was one of the most important developments in dermatology since the 1980s.

The 13 - cis - retinoic acid (isotretinoin Roaccutane) is a potent but less toxic synthetic derivative of vitamin A which affects all the elements involved in the pathogenesis of acne reducing sebum secretion in one month at 90%, reducing the microorganisms act in the context of reducing the edge forming process horny plug duct and reducing all elements of inflammation. This medicine is the treatment of choice in ozidiokystiki acne but also acne that does not go away with traditional treatment and especially one that causes scarring.

Further treatment for large inflammatory cysts are the intralesional administration of triamcinolone and surgical treatment that is particularly unsightly scars and persistent cysts will be removed